Right, mission 3 is the lab attack, you got two enemies (red and yellow).= =2E When you start you're at the remote end if the island.. First ensure growth by building a pessants house, a water source and a farm. That should provide a supply of men, until you build a baker and/ or a refinery the farm should not use time to make wheat.. Then you must think of resources, find a place with some trees and build your lumberjacks there. Then find some mountains and build a mine and a refinery. You'll proberly need some materials to build this so sell the gold and get wood and stones to build. Finaly you need a science-lab to get valuable new techs.. Now sit back and wait for some resources, you should at this time remove all guards from buildings north of your HQ as that place is ony towards the coast, you'll need to have guards on the enemy side. Use the waiting time to send a maid out and explore the area around, find your border lin= e all across the map and explore. Using a maid for this is an advantage as you'll need your men to work.. When you've got some resources build an extra mine and consider to make an extra pessant-hut to increase the number of men.. =46rom now on you should keep an eye on your stock of magic and wizards, if the number of wizards begin to drop you must build a barracks, but don't fill all 5 men into it for now (You'll need a barracks to train wizards and scientists).. REMEMBER: Don't be affraid to sell things for wood, in the beginning of a mission you might wanna sell for stone also. Just don't sell magic, any foods, water and wine As time passes you should build at least 2 more pesants huts, 2 mines 2 refineries and an armoury.. At some point you might also build an additional lab. Don't waste time and resources to build forresters, rather rely on producing gold, iron and ore and exchange it with wood. Also remeber to build a crematorium when you're about to run out of magic. Another thing to watch is the food, when you scientist come up with the fisher and baker you must build them, after the baker is built you'll usualy need aditional water supply, and when your population is +100 you should also need an aditional farm. The armoury should not be filled with all 4 people, they'll use up your iron and create more weapons than you can ever need.. Set only one or two people to work there that's more than enough.. When your forresters has taken all the trees in their reach, empty the hut for people, it's a waste of people to have them sitting there doing nothing.. Make sure that only one mine uses time to produce oil, one can easily supply the scientists with what they need.. When you can increase the workers in the mines or farms then do so for all your buildings.. Also remember that you don't need to guard buildings on the north side of your area, there's only coast-line above anyway.. If all goes perfect you should begin to get free people when your population reaches 160 or so, then begin to produce a few soldiers to replace the ones that has begun to die, don't ask the barracks to just produce soldiers, control the number to your needs.. (This should normaly take place at around year 34-40..) Also remember to produce new scientists to replace them in the labs, but you don't need to have some sitting in your stock. As long as you have 4 in each of the labs that's fine.. The same goes for wizards, when you get a bit into the game, it's enough to have 2 or 3, you don't need to rebuild to the original amount.. Build new farms and water supplies when you need them and also create a brewery to raise the moral a bit.. Now sit back and enjoy the goods roll into your stock, await when your scientists finds out how to tourch buildings, and when you have a good surplus of men you make a large production of soldies, for the first run you should need about 30, then take off with the 30 soldies and a few plain men. Walk into the enemy camps and have the soldies keeping the defenders busy while the simple men burn down the labs. Keep producing soldiers at home and send them to the battle in groups of app. 10 (never alone) to make sure you can protect the unarmed men you've got. Simply walk through the enemy lands and burn down what you think might be fun. You only have to take out the labs to complete, but it's sure fun to burn other things too.. The first time I played this mission I used time to build a country with +300 people before going to war, and it took about 100 years, I've replayed it with the above notes in mind, and I made the attack when I had app. 170 people and it took less than 50 years to pull off :-).. = |